
Master of Landscape Architecture | Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri | 2021

Bachelor of Architecture | Drury University, Springfield, Missouri | 2007

2021 | ASLA National - Student Award of Excellence in General Design

2021 | Drury HSA Alumni Award - Honor Award - Night Sky Winery *

2021 | ASLA Central States - Student Award of Excellence - Dark Matter

2021 | ASLA Central States - Student Honor Award - WIllow Resiliency Project

2021 | ASLA Saint Louis - Student Award of Excellence - Willow Resiliency Project

2021 | ASLA Saint Louis - Student Honor Award - Dark Matter

2021 | CELA Student Award for Creative Scholarship

2020 | ASLA National - Student Award of Excellence in General Design

2020 | Washington University in St. Louis 2020 Olmstead Scholar

2020 | AIA Saint Louis - Merit Award - Night Sky Winery *

2019 | ASLA Saint Louis Chapter - Student Honor Award - Fluvial Park

2019 | Washington University in St. Louis - Sam Fox School of Design + Visual Arts - Master of Landscape Architecture 1st Year Achievement Award

2017 | Drury HSA Alumni Award - Honor Award - Rudisill Mixed Use Development 

2017 | Drury HSA Alumni Award - Merit Award - Hope Pavilion

2015 | Drury HSA Alumni Award - Merit Award - Kissick Creek Farmhouse

2013 | Habitat for Humanity of Wake County ReSpace Competition - Grand Prize

2009 | “Cistern” sculpture selected for Water Partners International Fundraiser 

2007 | Hammons School of Architecture Librarium Design Award Nominee

Honors & Awards

2021 | Student Award of Excellence - The Willow Resiliency Project - Landscape Architecture Magazine - October 2021 Issue

2021 | “Dark Matter: Research on an Evolving Funerary Landscape in St. Louis, Missouri”, Landscape Architecture Frontiers - Volume 9, Number 2

2021 | Approach 2020 —2021: Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design at Washington University in St. Louis - Edited by Monica Rivera & Heather Woofter

2020 | Student Award of Excellence - Dark Matter - Landscape Architecture Magazine - September 2020 Issue

2020 | Dark Matter - Award of Excellence General Design - American Society of Landscape Architects -

2020 | “Emergent Epitaph” Landscape Architecture Magazine - A review of Dark Matter by Zach Mortice

2020 | Approach 2018 —2019: Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design at Washington University in St. Louis - Edited by Monica Rivera & Heather Woofter