Hope Pavilion

Competition - First Prize

Wake Forest, North Carolina

2017 Hammons School of Architecture Alumni Merit Award

Designed with Jose Noya, Michael Mills AIA, Carrie McLauchlan AIA, Nilam Patel, & Chad Buttersworth.


In the South, the front porch is a place of initiated interaction between a resident and neighbor or newcomer alike. Through a granted invitation, the porch can serve as a transition between the public and private realm and build a relationship from acquaintance to friend. This social dynamic was the guiding principle throughout the design process. 

The pavilion was designed for a community service organization focused on supporting education and positive social interaction for area youth. The organization’s existing building is a modest house-turned-office adjacent to the pavilion site. The new structure provides additional space for hosting regular neighborhood cookouts, gatherings, and small group classes. 

The parti is an exaggeration of the common porch space. Three primary planes (roof, raised floor, and entry wall) are repeated, enlarged, the entry wall pulled apart; creating a portal that serves as a generous space for public gathering and a figurative open invitation to the neighborhood.